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New tobacco restrictions

On December 16, 2022, the decree amending the Regulations of the General Law for Tobacco Control (the "Decree") was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation ("DOF"), which will become effective on January 15, 2023. 

The purpose of such Decree is to establish the control and sanitary surveillance of tobacco products, through the establishment of new restrictions for the consumption, commercialization, promotion, and advertising of tobacco products, as well as the regulation for the protection against exposure to tobacco smoke and its emissions. 

Companies dedicated to the commerce of tobacco products, as well as establishments such as restaurants, bars, places destined to lodging, among others, must comply with the new guidelines established in this Decree.

Among the most relevant aspects, the following stand out:

• New prohibitions in general on tobacco advertising and promotion. • New rules and restrictions on the display of tobacco products at sale points. • Places where tobacco consumption is forbidden. • New rules for smoking areas for restaurants and businesses.

You can consult the complete text here

Our partners in charge of advising you and our specialists in administrative matter (Jorge Rivera Treviño and Mario Alberto Zambrano Abrego, will be attentive to determine the challenges that this change represents for you as well as of the approach to face them in a timely and efficient manner.