Banking and Finance
We have a strong banking and finance law practice, an area in which we advise both lenders and borrowers, domestic and foreign, public and private, in the design, negotiation, documentation, and execution of highly sophisticated financial transactions.
We actively participate in the structuring, restructuring, or formalization of domestic and cross-border syndicated loans, simple and term loans, structured loans, mezzanine loans, securitization, derivative contracts, and note or bonds issues, as well as in the implementation of security vehicles for such transactions, including guarantee trusts (fideicomisos de garantía), mortgages, asset pledges, stock pledges, industrial mortgages, and assignments of rights.
We support all types of lenders, including investment banks and commercial banks, private equity funds, investment funds, and multi-purpose financial companies, among others, providing specialized advice depending on the type of financial transaction and the applicable industry, as well as public and private sector borrowers, including national and global companies, municipalities and subnational entities.
We also represent our clients in the follow-up of procedures and registrations before the National Banking and Securities Commission, as well as before the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of the Users of Financial Services.